Friday, November 1, 2013

Some of my recent projects (a background)

The last week in September I realized that the Texas Renaissance Festival was right around the corner and it had been a while since I had any new garb. So on a Friday after work I headed to Hancock Fabrics and picked up some cloth and a pattern (hooray for getting the wrong size!), got home and hunted down the sewing machine, grabbed a beer and got to work. I didn't take any pictures while I was making any of this but I can show you my finished projects.

First, my failed pair of pants...
   Now, I hadn't done any sewing since I was in 8th grade Home Ec (19 years ago) so I figured I needed to make a practice piece first. I selected a material that I thought the color would look something along the lines of deer skin...

Behold! I have made a pair of garb... khakis? The actual sewing went well (except the sewing the crotch together wrong and spending 5 minutes trying to decide where I messed up), I just wasn't happy with the end product. On to the next item.

Second, my reversible vest...
   I must say that I am happy with the way this turned out. Not bad for about 9 hours worth of work. Huh? Wait, 9 hours? Yep. Lets just say that while operating a sewing machine is easy, mentally laying out the material with seams meeting (and getting sewn) correctly is a different story all together. I must have ripped the seams out of this thing 20 times just to sew it exactly back the way I just ripped the seams out.

An entire Saturday sewing? Sure, why not...

Third, new garb pants take 2...
   These actually went together fairly easy. Which was a blessing because I needed them the next day.

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