Monday, November 11, 2013

From here forward...

   Now that I have posted all the projects I have recently completed I will try to post my next project as it happens, to actually give updates as the project unfolds.
   I have a ton of ideas kicking around in my head and I am excited to get too work on another project.

EL Wire Waist Coat (Semi) Finished

       This is one of those projects that started as a scrap piece of material that kind of looked like it could be made into a coat and it just spiraled out of control from there. First it was cut and shaped into a waist coat, then a hood was added, then some electric blue ribbon for trim so it wouldn't be all black, then I decided to add some EL Wire around the trim so it would glow at night...

   As the project began to take on a life of it's own I had to keep walking away from it to work on other costumes and garb. When I was away working on something else I would always find myself wondering what else I could add to the waist coat. Next came the applique on the back, I had never done applique work before so it was an exercise in trial and error, after I worked that bit out I took on the most challenging part of the coat so far... adding EL Wire to the applique.
   This was a piece that was trial by fire. I had one shot to wire what was a practice run because I started running out of time. I got it mostly right but I think it turned out rather well. So the applique was sewn on and it looked great... from behind. I really needed some more light on the front to balance it out but I was down to one evening, running a fever, and down to scrap pieces of EL Wire that I had to solder together just to get something for the front.
   The front looked alright, but I knew it was me being lazy and pressed for time. I did get it done in time for the Texas Renaissance Festival and was able to show it off. I got lots of questions and compliments and was rather pleased with the way it turned out.
   However, now that I have stepped away from the project I am having more ideas. After the New Year I am going to strip the front and make more appliques and weave more EL Wire thru it so that it balances out and the front looks as good as the back does. I will update this as the time comes. Until then Happy Workbenching.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Beast of a Bench (back to the begining)

   This is my workbench. This is where I build most of my projects. Even when I am sewing (as I have been recently) this is where everything starts. I can lay out the material and the patterns and have room to work. I built this workbench to last. It is made of heavy wood consisting mostly of 4x4's for legs, 2x4's for framing, 2x6's for the top and trim, and it's all held together with heavy duty carriage bolts. Being 6' 4" tall and weighing in at 240 lbs I could Irish Step Dance on this thing if I wanted to and it wouldn't budge an inch.

Friday, November 1, 2013

80's Halloween Party (a small step forward in time)

   So, fast forward to last week. It's Tuesday night and I'm trying to decide on a costume for a friends 80's themed Halloween / Birthday bash. I make my choice and between Wednesday and Saturday night (the night of the party) I completed a quick Cobra Commander outfit.
   I liked the way this turned out, even thou I made it in very limited time. I got the chest piece misaligned and the applique a little crooked, but I am fine with that. It really is hard to tell in person... in a dark bar... with a bunch of people that had been drinking for a while because you got there late because you were finishing your costume.
   The applique on the chest was the most tedious process but the hood was the most challenging. I had never made a hood mask before and it was kind of hard trying to figure out what it should look like on me without having any eye holes in it and nobody around for me to model it on...

   That and trying my hardest to avoid any type of point on the top. But thru trial and error I got it pretty much right...
   But in the end it was a great costume and I got lots of complements. A friend of mine just so happened to show up dressed as Snake Eyes so we had to do a picture together.
   It was a fun night.

Some of my recent projects (a background)

The last week in September I realized that the Texas Renaissance Festival was right around the corner and it had been a while since I had any new garb. So on a Friday after work I headed to Hancock Fabrics and picked up some cloth and a pattern (hooray for getting the wrong size!), got home and hunted down the sewing machine, grabbed a beer and got to work. I didn't take any pictures while I was making any of this but I can show you my finished projects.

First, my failed pair of pants...
   Now, I hadn't done any sewing since I was in 8th grade Home Ec (19 years ago) so I figured I needed to make a practice piece first. I selected a material that I thought the color would look something along the lines of deer skin...

Behold! I have made a pair of garb... khakis? The actual sewing went well (except the sewing the crotch together wrong and spending 5 minutes trying to decide where I messed up), I just wasn't happy with the end product. On to the next item.

Second, my reversible vest...
   I must say that I am happy with the way this turned out. Not bad for about 9 hours worth of work. Huh? Wait, 9 hours? Yep. Lets just say that while operating a sewing machine is easy, mentally laying out the material with seams meeting (and getting sewn) correctly is a different story all together. I must have ripped the seams out of this thing 20 times just to sew it exactly back the way I just ripped the seams out.

An entire Saturday sewing? Sure, why not...

Third, new garb pants take 2...
   These actually went together fairly easy. Which was a blessing because I needed them the next day.

All projects must begin somewhere...

Welcome to Workbenching.
   I thoroughly enjoy working with my hands and altering / creating whatever I can. This is where I am going to post about my projects (the successes and failures, triumphs and tribulations) and people can read about them and comment, ask questions, make suggestions, or just laugh at me. I have no idea where all this going to head or end up but if you are interested you can check back from time to time and see what all is rolling off my workbench. So without further ado...