Sunday, January 12, 2014

Giant Jenga the Drinking Game… a.k.a. Drenka!

   This was a last minute project I decided to build for a New Year’s Eve Party I was hosting. I did some quick research and decided it was something I could knock out fairly quickly so I left work an hour early on the Friday before New Year’s and went to Home Depot.

   I selected 4 of the straightest least knotty Whitewood 2x4’s that were 16’ long that I could find and figuring I could save myself some time and had the poor guy who happened to walk by and ask me if I needed any help cut them for me… So I had him cut them into 72 pieces 10.5” long. (10.5” long because 2x4’s aren’t actually 2” x 4”… they are 1.5” x 3.5” and 3.5” x 3 = 10.5”) He did a really nice job of cutting them to size and with smooth even cuts, which is great because I haven’t found a table saw I like yet and it would have taken me forever with a circular saw! Normally the first 2 cuts are free and each cut after that is .25 cents but even after telling the cashier several times I had 66 cuts she didn’t charge me the $16.50 she should have.

   After I got home I decided to sand the pieces so they would fit together nicely and we could avoid splinters while drinking playing. I used a jitterbug style hand sander and 220 grit sandpaper… and a six pack of Newcastle… and several hours (about 4.5) to get all 72 pieces sanded. A much larger undertaking than I had counted on.

   After everything was sanded down I hunted around on the internet and with the help of my wife we came up with enough commands to label all 72 pieces for the game. A couple of Sharpie markers and an hour later the game was finished.


  We decided that the punishment for knocking the tower over was that you (a) had to set the tower back up (b) finish your drink and (c) you started out the next game as the Beer Wench.
   The final result was fabulous and the hit of the party. We all drank played several times and were so noisy I was sure this would be the day the cops finally came knocking on my door… but alas it was not so. Maybe next time.

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